6 Tips to Control Tartar

Tartar is the direct result of plaque on the teeth. The plaque that gets onto your teeth is going to form from all the bacteria that is in the mouth. However, tartar, which is also referred to as calculus, is going to form above and below the gum line. This is something that must be removed by your dentist with specialized tools since this is rough and very porous. This can lead to gums that recede, along with gum disease.

Tips for Control

For those who want to take control of their oral health, they are going to want to focus on controlling the tartar that is on their teeth. These tips include:

1. Brush twice per day, for at least 2 minutes at a time. You will want to use a soft bristle toothbrush to ensure that this is going to be easy on your teeth as well.

2. Many studies have found that electronic toothbrushes can be better at riding your teeth of plaque that could turn into tartar later.

3. Use a tartar controlling toothpaste that also has fluoride in this. This can help remove the problem, as well as offering protection into the teeth.

4. Be sure to floss!

5. Use an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing to ensure that this is going to kill the plaque.

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