What causes gingival abscess?


Have you experienced a throbbing pain around your ears? Is it often accompanied by severe pain around your jaw or any side of your face? If you have, then you should definitely see a dentist. You might have a gingival abscess.

A gingival abscess is not an ordinary periodontal infection. This infection can cause serious damage to the roots of your tooth. It can also affect the space between your tooth and gum. It is often painful because of severe inflammation. This can be easily treated by an emergency dentist or other oral health practitioner. Oftentimes, this is accompanied by fever or inflamed gums. The abscess drains liquids or pusses that can cause bad breath.

What causes a gingival abscess?

· Perforation on the gums walls during root canal treatment. This might have caused the bacteria to spread throughout the mouth

· Your gums might have been hurt or pierced by a sharp foreign object

· Occlude bacteria forming around the pockets. This often happens during scaling and planning.

· Inflammation caused by a traumatic tooth injury or orthodontic treatment.

· It can also be caused by occlusal stress

· Diabetic patients are more prone to periodontal abscess

How do we treat gingival abscesses?

· We can treat gingival abscesses by oral medication. You can also help lessen the infection by rinsing your mouth with saline solution. Your dentist will also prescribe a pain reliever to relieve the irritation.

· If the gingival abscess is caused by plaque and tartar, your dentist will execute a scaling and planning treatment to clean the air pockets.

· If the abscess is underneath the tooth, an emergency dentist will perform a root canal treatment. This treatment will remove the puss and the abscess from your mouth. There is also a possibility that your gums will also reshape to make sure that the abscess will not form again.

· If a root canal treatment is not applicable due to severe damage or infection, then there is a possibility that the tooth will be pulled out. This is to make sure the bacteria cannot spread towards the other teeth.

A gingival abscess is a painful mouth infection. It is very important that you see your dentist regularly to ensure that you have healthy teeth and gums. If the symptoms start showing, it is best that you see an emergency dentist right away.

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